Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Chapter 1.9- Never Ending Unicorns

When we last left our intrepid heroes, the Nott's had inherited a rather large wad of cash, Sherman had become a father and wished to meet his new son, and Lottie had managed to add 2 and 2. Let's see what they get up to in their new house shall we?

-Sssshhhhhh! You're interrupting!
Lottie is that kids programming?
-SSSShhhhh! Yes!
Lottie you're pregnant!
-And? Kids' stuff is one of my favs! Check it!
Go! Fulfill a wish! Get away from the TV!

So I send her off to the day spa (wish to visit the day spa fulfilled. Wish to get a massage fulfilled) and the moment she exits I get an idea. She's got a wish to complete a ground mural, and an opportunity to create a ground mural anywhere in town. Why not?
Lottie-♪♫Tagging the ground. I'm tagging the ground. It's so much fun! Tagging the ground!♫♪
And though she puts out a tip jar, she gets no tips.

Meadow Carpenter-Rhodes merely glances as she walks by.

Betty Simovitch stops for only a moment to pump her fists and walk on. So let's see what Sherman is up to.

Sherman is attempting to fulfill the wish he rolled last time to pick up his son, Albert, by total stranger Constance Shelley.
(Either MC or SP or Woohooer was messing up at this point because I've never seen that happen with Twallan where the sims don't even remember meeting each other even though they've got a kid together.)
But EA won't let him pick his son up to fulfill the wish 'because he doesn't know this sims family well enough.' So Sherman chats up Constance, while his son...

...Lays on the rug behind him. I get why EA did this, but geez. What torture!

So while Sherman tries to get to know more than his his baby mama's name Jon Lessen (Wanna-be Ex-Rocker) comes to admire the kickin' RV Lottie has just stuck on the ground.
Jon Lessen- You know, I used to go around in one of those things. The adventures we used to have! Whoooo! I bet I could tell you some stories little lady.
Lottie- EEeeewww. I don' wanna know! *gasp!!!
Not again!
-YES! I wish to Protest Something!
Why on Sim Planet would you wish...

Oh. That's why.
Jon Lessen- I could just show you some of my adventures... Whooo!
Lottie! To the protest! Now! Wait, what are they protesting?


-What do we want? LESS UNICORNS! When do we want it? NOW!
Lottie? You're the only one chanting. And I've already turned them off in register after the fiasco with the never ending unicorn at the Sixkiller home.
-Who cares! No UNICORNS!!!
Oh whatever. I wonder how Sherman is getting on with his wish to pick up Albert...

Poor Sherman is shuffling his feet while Albert still lays on the floor behind him. But Look! You've done it Shermy! You're friends with her!

And after 4 hours of working to befriend his baby mama Sherman finally gets to pick up little Albert.

Such a sweet father son moment.

Right up until... Yup! That! Have fun daddy!


  1. Haha, tsk tsk, watching children's programming while preggers. These poor kids.

    I have never seen a unicorn protest, lol. What's so bad about unicorns?

    1. I know. It really made me sad. I almost used a LTR to change that, but I kinda hate using those. I'd rather not if I can.

      I dunno! Why are you protesting Unicorns silly sims? Or could they possibly protesting the fact that there is Not a unicorn since I turned them off? I dunno. lol. It made me laugh. We'll see more from that protest next time too.

  2. I want a unicorn... :(
    Aim for my next wishacy chapter: meet a unicorn.

    Uhoh... Bad Lottie!! :|

    I hate that you can't pick up your own kid if you don't know the family well enough. Other kids, fine, but not your own. *rolls eyes*

    1. Lol! Give them the right traits and they'll wish for it for you! Good luck!

      rofl! Bad Lottie! As if I should spank her hand and put her in a corner. Actually, that's probably pretty appropriate.

      IKR? So annoying.

  3. LOL! The things they protest. I had them one time protesting against evil spacemen. No, not aliens. Astronauts. Yes, I made like they all thought astronauts were inviting the aliens in and the aliens would take over the world, therefore SASA was going to cause the immenent destruction of life as they knew it. Well, The Maker actually caused the destruction of life as they knew it because that 'hood got so buggy I moved my sims elsewhere. Hmmmmm, maybe it got buggy because of the aliens. Maybe my sims were trying to tell me something... I'm rambling.

    Glad he finally got to pick up his son. :)

    1. Lol! It's not the aliens we should worry about huh? Those darn astronauts! Leave it to them to bug the 'hood out! I love SASA. That's awesome.

      He did! But it's not all he picked up. ;) Ha!
