Sherman- So, I hear there are going to be a s*** ton of birthdays in the house today.
Lily-I hope someone wishes to throw a party for them. Death always comes to birthday parties.
Flynn- ...
Sherman- That's nice dear.
Flynn- Death?
Lily- Yeah. Think I can entice him to come sooner if I play with matches?
Flynn- D:
Sherman- That's nice dear.
Flynn- O_O
Lily- What?
Lily- But Daaaa-aaad! I wanted to summon grim with fire! Quit stealing my ideas!
The curse of the firecracker shrimp continues with Cash deciding to have it for his breakfast:
Cash- That! Was awesome. Maniacal laugh.
The kids birthday wishes all centered around making particular potions. All except Cash that is. He preferred to play with his IF.
Lottie however...
Lottie- It's no longer winter! So I'm going to get on the water slide while it's a springlike 28* outside!
Lottie- Whee!
I hope you freeze to death.
Whoa whoa whoa. I went to check on the potion making assembly line and you're in different swimwear with a baby bubble... oh hell. You're preggers again aren't you?!?
Lottie-Darn tootin'. Got that wish to have 10 kids to fulfill don't we?
Lottie- Oh, it's not that bad! At least we're about to get rid of the current litter of larva.
We are?
Lottie- Yeeees.
Yay! No more larva!
Lotte- For now...
Also, I redid the kitchen. Routing! Yay!
Lottie starts with Scotty. Like all good mothers she leaves him on the floor to do his thing all on his own. Oh, Lottie.
He aged up into that all on his own. Perfect. >:D
Next is Paige.
Paige- What? 'Whoa' what? What happened? Am I hideous?
She'd be a Lottie clone if it weren't for her hair color I think. She gains the kleptomaniac trait.
Samantha is next while Flynn stands by in the "I'm waiting my turn" pose.
Holy Lottie clone Batman!
Better. Samantha adds the Neurotic trait. Samantha- Flynn? Hey. Flynn! You can totally age up now.
Sherman- You're in my way son.
Sherman- You're in my way son.
Sherman- You're in my way son.
Sherman- Oh! Look what a nice night it is tonight!
Sherman- Since there's nothing going on and even the walls are down, I think I'm going down too. Bedtime!
Cash. Wow. I'm impressed. He was such an ugly kid I didn't think I'd get anything worth looking at. Yay! Though I reserve any further cheering. I have a sneaking suspicion I'm looking at a Sherman clone. The mouth is throwing me.
Sherman- Oh wait look! There's something going on! It's a birthday for one of my kids! I'm so excited I'm going to break my shoulders!
Cash- Geez dad! Can't you be normal for a fraction of a second?
Cash- Crap. I'm even dressed just like you too. :/ This blows.
Cash also gained the kleptomaniac trait. If only one of them had insane to add to it I might have a for sure heir on my hands.
Lottie- Happy Birthday, Flynn! No matter how you age up your sister is still going to be better looking since she looks just like me!
Why?!? Why that hair and eyebrows together? Ick.
Flynn- This isn't so bad.
Yeah, because I fixed you. He got the Proper trait. I've never had this one before. I hope it's interesting. He is also a Sherman clone, save the eyes. He's got Lottie's eyes.
Then Warner aged up.
As he did so Lottie went and grabbed Edith.
Love her coloring. Lottie's hair with Sherman's eyes. Not bad. I spy Sherman's nose on her also. Again, the mouth is throwing me.
We'll round this one off with Sherman having his birthday just after midnight.
Sherman-I'm old!
Yes! Yes you are! And now that you are I'm on pins and needles hoping you roll a midlife crisis wish to divorce Lottie so I can be rid of you. Until then, Next time! Mid life crisis wish(es)! More babies! Moar birthdays!
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