Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Chapter 1.13-Turn of Events

When we'd last left our intrepid heroes the quadruplets had just become toddlers and Bonehilda tortured Sherman. Lottie also gave us Quality Pregnancy moments. Let's start this one off with a bang and see what they're up to now.

Yet again, Lottie's attempts to paint have been foiled by small creatures attempting to claw their way out of her abdomen using routes that are not large enough for such purposes.
-Oh for pity's sake. Call it what it is. Labor! I'm in- Aaaaaurgh! Labor!
Oh Lottie. I've been in labor. I'm just calling it like it is.

-Mmmmmmm! This painting makes me want to go fishing. Hey Maker?
Yes Lottie?
-I'd like to learn-
Before you go on with that-
You might want to actually give birth first.

-Oh yeah. That.

Yeah. I thought so.

Sherman finally shows up to do the 'Ants in your Pants' dance. He's home from work because it's Spooky Day. My intent here is home birth and I'm not going to interfere since her only low motives are bladder and hygiene. Which, ironically, is just about right for labor.

-Let's go Shermy.
However, she autonomously decides that the hospital is the place to deliver the next Lott progeny and Sherman dutifully follows.

Sherman- Are you sure you should be driving in your condition? I mean, not five minutes ago you couldn't even stand up straight.
Lottie- Done it before coward. Watch and learn.

Lottie checks out the bald guy outside the hospital just minutes after delivering a set of twins whose names I cannot for the life of me remember. Oops. For the purposes of updating so I can clear some of these pics out we'll call them Thingy 1 and Thingy 2. Lottie has Thingy 1.

Wait a second. Lottie?
Lottie- 'Sup my Maker?
You drove to the hospital. The car is still in your inventory. But you're going to take a cab home?
Lottie- Absolutely!
Ok. Just wanted to clear that up. Carry on.
Lottie- Hey Shermy?
Sherman- Yes?
Lottie- This is the first time we've left the kids with a baby sitter. How do you think they did?

Crashing and banging and squalling and shouts greet them the moment they walk in the door as the babysitter runs off the lot. I've never had a babysitter run off like that. Never. He ran full pelt. Went to the lot across the street to summon a cab even.
Sherman- I guess that kind of says a lot about how they did for the babysitter, huh?
Lottie- *stunned

Lottie- Do you think they know we're here?

At about this point all four of them started screaming their heads off.
Sherman- Yes. Yes I'd have to say they know we're here. Do you think the upstairs is still structurally sound?
Lottie- Guess there's only one way to find out.

Sherman reluctantly turns to follow Lottie.
Sherman- Dear Watcher. I'm so sorry for not believing in you. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Maker my soul to take.
You're gettin' grim like all the others. They won't kill you. They're toddlers! Not suck it up coward and get up there.

Thankfully, mostly what the kids want is attention since the babysitter seems to have stood in a corner of the quads' nursery and ignored them after that. So I go ahead and decide to take care of social and wishes by granting skilled based wishes. Flynn goes first with Sherman. Flynn is totally not sure of the newcomers.

He gave both Thingy 1 and 2 the evil eye the entire time he pottied.

Lottie got a start on talking with Cash. They had a nice little conversation about death by flies.

Lottie is thrilled by how the Evil little one is already picking up on the finer points of sim torture.

Two of the quads learn to walk.

My first ever NPC trick or treater! Laurel Grisby dressed as a cheerleader. She got a much needed CAS makeover soon after.

More skilling

Cash is the first toddler to discover the skill toys. He's been plugging away at it for a little bit when the genius Flynn comes to claim his right to the logic toy.

Flynn- You give me toy. You let me play. I genius. I wuv wogic.
Cash- No! Mine.

Flynn- Then I take dwastic measuwes.
Cash- Fine. My toy.

Flynn- WAAAaaah! Cash a poopie head! Cash be's mean!
Cash- Shut UP Fwynn!
Flynn- WAAAAaaaaah!

Cash- Wook! No one come to save you! My toy.

Paige- What be wong?
Flynn- Cash no let me pway wif my toy.
Cash- Mine.
Paige- Oh? I take care of you.

Paige- Wouting fail! So sowwy. I sit on you.
Cash- No! Mine! I here fiwst!
Paige- I sit wight here. You in my way.
Cash- Aurgh. Fine. I woute away.

Paige- Oooh! You done wif toy now?
Cash- NO! I woute away so you not sit on me!
Paige- Weawy? Cause it wooks wike you done to me.

Paige and Flynn erupt in laughter and cheers. Cash is stunned by the turn of events.
Cash- You guys suck.

Moar toddler skilling!!! Paige shows she's not really as clever as she thinks she is.
Really. That's all that's happening pretty much. Taking care of infants and skilling toddlers as the wishes are rolled.

Sherman got an invite to Constance Shelley's party, and since he's got a couple of 'hold' wishes for the twins he has with her (Woodrow and Victoria) I let him go with extreme reservations, but nothing is really going on. The twins are mostly skilled, the babies' motives are alright for the moment. Whatever.
However, before he goes he decides to take Paige and plop her into The Chair of No Return.

For the first few hours, she seems alright.

Then this starts. And goes on. For hours. *head desk. Her motives were high and no one has a wish for her so there she stays until Lottie hears her cries. Angry now that I let Sherman go I go check on him.

Constance Shelley- If all the snowflakes were gummy bears and milkshakes oh what a snow it would be!
Sherman- Oooookay?
And wait a second. Why is the camera suddenly... Oh crap. I forgot.

Birthday time!
Lottie starts by putting Thingy 2 on the floor.

The stares creepily at Thingy 1 on the floor.

Lottie is so proud of her awesome parenting skills. Babies. Babies everywhere!

Thingy 2 is a Sherman clone. Flynn is oblivious.

Thingy 1 is also a Sherman clone. Only with Lottie's eyes. Greeeaaat. What SP settings are out of whack? Speaking of SP. What is Sherman up to?

Oh no not again!

So! Join us next time for moar toddler skilling! And see just what happened with Sherman and Constance in the snow. Maybe we'll even retrieve Paige from The Chair of No Return. ;)


  1. Oh my,.. Laurel Grisby...

    And next time, maybe we'll even learn the twins names!! LOL I didn't even know the gender til right at the end there!! Sneaky.


    I had a baby sitter run away once. It may well have been the Mattells, actually. It was either last gen when I had a child, a toddler and three babies, or this gen when I had two children and three babies. I think it was gen 3, thinking about it. But yes, it happens when there's a ridiculous amount of kids on the lot. If only you could hire two... I swear in sims 2 you could have 2 nannies? Or they'd send two if you had a lot of young kids.

    Death by flies!!! Omg I miss that. Many a dirty sim died that way in my sim 2 years...

    Think I got it all? Sorry for the delay (though you were probably too busy to realise) I've been too wrapped up in my own chapter, but tbh this would probably have helped me unwind. Silly me.

    Oh, Sherman baby count at the end of chapter 13?

    1. Yup. Laurel Grisby. We'll actually get a look at her fixed nose and ears next time since she visits again. lol

      Lol! It's two girls. I have GOT to get those new pics written up so I can go in and get their names. Something obscenely normal is all I remember. Hence why I forgot them. ;p

      Ah! See, I didn't know that. I'm usually a NO KIDS! junkie. You get one baby to carry on your name and that's it. Kids just don't have enough to do for them to be interesting to me.

      I miss it too. *sniff. Maybe in Sims4?

      Ah, it's fine. I'm only just now able to get at the computer to reply anyway! Ha!

      9! Sherman has 9 kids running around town with him pegged as their father. 6 with Lottie and 3 with Constance Shelley. His oldest boy Albert has aged up even.

  2. Haha, the thought bubble while in labor. Though fishing while in labor might be a bit safer than driving while in labor.

    TWINS?! Have you contracted Gemma's multiples curse??

    Aw, I like the picture from the perspective of the baby's crib.

    Those trick or treaters get annoying, have you noticed that? They'll sneak into your sim's action queue when you aren't looking.

    LOL poor Paige. I shouldn't laugh, but that's really funny that he left her all alone, stuck in the high chair.

    1. I've never seen one non kids or labor related when they are the ones in labor so I HAD to use it! lol. And yes. If I remember labor correctly there is no way my feet would have been able to do the pedals right no matter how much I wanted them to. Ha!

      I'm not sure. I need to check Lottie's favorites because I've caught her in front of the tv with the kids station on twice this pregnancy. So she could just be sneaking in multiples bumps without my knowledge. *shifty eyes. lol. If not, then it's totally Gemma's multiples curse. Ha!

      Thank you! It took me forever to get that shot right too! lol

      Yup! I had no idea what was going on or why he suddenly stopped training someone to do something. I forget who and what.

      The chair of no return! Those things are dangerous in a wishacy since they have to wish for something to do with that kid and they are terrible about autonomously plopping them in there and walking away. It made me laugh though. Paige really is a bit manipulative and has figured out the routing system really well just so she can get her way, so that was just her come-uppance. Ha!

  3. "You guys suck."
    I just about wet myself there!
    Oh, I needed this laugh after my Sixkiller comment. :)
